Striking Photography Fine Art Gallery

Art Prints

Lightning Strikes – Horses Rear and Run – Photo

The thunder cracks and the lightning hits, making the Arabian horse rear and the Quarter horse and Thoroughbred dart off in different directions. For two years I waited for this to happen. This is the real deal no photoshop magic here, back then I didn’t even have photoshop. Only a good old darkroom. The originals were shot on […] […]

View of the Rocky Mountains Front Range from Lafayette

This is a view that I have passed by a million times and have never noticed it. But one day, I was pulling out of a Street on to RT 287 and this was lit up just right. The mountains looked like they were much higher than normal. Incredible sight to […] […]

Table with a Sunset View

Sunset Colors A picnic table by the lake with a colorful sky and water. there are spots like this all over Boulder County Colorado. Lovin Life in Boulder County! […] […]

Lightning Bolt Strike in The Desert

A lightning strike in the Arizona desert with giant saguaro cactus. Arizona monsoon season […] […]