Striking Photography Fine Art Gallery

Art Prints

Pinnacle Peak Surrounded in Black and White

Pinnacle Peak, Arizona, surrounded by lightning bolts. Lightning striking on both sides and above during a monsoon thunderstorm. 25 sec exposure, one strike. This was shot on film back when I used to shoot with bulb and let go after something big happened. […]

American Lightning Thunderstorm Oil Field

American Oil Field, lightning striking the Colorado Dacona oil fields. Massive lightning bolts striking next to a oil well pump jack. This is a composite image with USA American flag background. […]

Colorado Longs Peak Lightning Thunderstorm Time Lapse

Lightning striking the foothills of the Colorado Rocky Mountains and the base of the Twin Peaks, Mt Meeker 13,256 ft and Longs Peak 14,256 ft. […]

Honor To The Soldier And Sailor Everywhere

Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country’s cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause.- Abraham Lincoln […]