Striking Photography Fine Art Gallery

Art Prints

Thunderstorm Combustion

Cloud to cloud lightning thunderstorm combustion striking in the sky over a country lake north east of Longmont Colorado and Boulder County. This is in SW Weld County. Settings ISO 500 – f11 – 30 sec -11 mm. This is 6 images stacked equal to a three minute exposure, makes for very low noise. June 24th, 2014 10:46pm […]

Lightning Striking Longs Peak Foothills BW

Lightning bolts, cloud to ground striking the front range foothills of the Colorado Rocky Mountains in Boulder County. A view of the Twin Peaks, Mount Meeker 13,911′ and Longs Peak 14,256′ in the distance. Black and white version by storm chase Bo Insogna aka The Lightning Man […]

Oil Well Pumpjack Thunderstorm Panorama

Eastern plains of the Rocky Mountain front range in Weld County, Colorado, view of a pumpjack near the town of Dacona with a massive lightning thunderstorm striking. […]

Electrical Arcing Sky

Lightning bolts giving off electrical arc’s in a stormy night sky above the Colorado Rocky Mountains foothills in north Boulder County. Scenic landscape view from McIntosh Lake in Longmont. 8/5/2009 one year to the day of my fathers passing. Thanks Dad. ISO 320 -15 sec- f9 – 47mm […]