A summer Lightning thunderstorm at Pinnacle Peak in north Scottsdale Arizona. […]
A summer Lightning thunderstorm at Pinnacle Peak in north Scottsdale Arizona. Lightning bolts, cloud to ground striking front range foothills of the Colorado Rocky Mountains in Boulder County. A view of the Twin Peaks, Mount Meeker 13,911 ft and Longs Peak 14,256 ft in the distance a rare sight because most of the time the cloud cover is much lower than the Peaks. […] Lightning bolts, cloud to ground striking the front range foothills of the Colorado Rocky Mountains in Boulder County. A view of the Twin Peaks, Mount Meeker 13,911 ft; and Longs Peak 14,256 ft in the distance. This storm came in fast about 8:30 pm, one thing I have learned about Colorado Lightning storms www.Fine-Art-Photography-Gallery.com […] Cars buzzing by heading towards Denver Colorado make great light trails with lightning bolts striking . Boulder County. Black and white with selective coloring. Fine art nature landscape lightning photography prints, decorative canvas prints, acrylic prints, metal prints, greeting cards and stock images. www.Fine-Art-Photography-Gallery.com […] |