Striking Photography Fine Art Gallery

Art Prints

The Praying Monk Lightning Strike

The Praying Monk is a rock formation on the side of the famous Camelback mountain that sits in between Phoenix and Scottsdale Arizona. From the first time I saw this I was always fascinated with it and thought It would make a great spiritual shot with lightning striking. […]

Thinking of Warmer Times

Dreaming of warmer times during this deep freeze in Colorado and across the country. The sunshine always makes a difference. Here is a shot from our Arizona trip in North Scottsdale at my Moms. View out the door. […]

Giant Saguaro Sonoran Desert Portrait

Giant Saguaro Sonoran Desert Portrait. Another image from our Thanksgiving trip to Scottsdale Arizona. A portrait scenic view into the Sonoran desert of the southwest in North Scottsdale Arizona. A scenic view of a giant saguaro cactus and lush desert. […]

Tatum Lightning Storm

Off of north Tatum a Lightning Storm with giant saguaro cactus North Phoenix / Scottsdale area. Original shot on film and scanned in. […]