Striking Photography Fine Art Gallery

Art Prints

Take A Drive Through A Country Rainbow

Just another country road covered my a Rainbow you can drive right through it. One of the great things about being a Lightning chase / catcher is you get to see a lot of rainbows. […]

Chasing Lightning Rainbows and Unicorns Video

As always all eyes are on the sky chasing lightning bolts, rainbows and unicorns. We found a rainbow to chase. 4:30 version. A day in the life of a storm catcher, photographer Bo Insogna, […]

Intense Rainbow Chasing in the Southwest

Here is another view and close-up of rain and an intense rainbow raining down on beautiful Arches National Park in Utah. We chased this rainbow all over the park. Fun Day. […]

Just an Old Western Landscape

Just a scenic western landscape view of one of the many beautiful sights along route 12 in the beautiful state of Utah.    Just love the horse with the cows, red barn and western landscape.  You can almost images what it was like back then in the old west days.  Like going back in time.  […]