Striking Photography Fine Art Gallery

Art Prints

Lightning Striking Over Rollinsville Colorado

This is the first image that I have caught lightning in the high elevation of the mountains. Watch the storm tracking and really though this was a good chance and it happened according to plan, 4:00pm, June 13th, 2015 […]

Stormin Rainbow

Country scenic landscape with cattle grazing on green pastures with a rainbow and wild rainy severe stormy tornado weather in the sky.  NE Boulder County Colorado.  June 4th 2015 NE Boulder County Colorado.& This is north Longmont, edge of town 95th north of highway 66. […]

Take A Drive Through A Country Rainbow

Just another country road covered my a Rainbow you can drive right through it. One of the great things about being a Lightning chase / catcher is you get to see a lot of rainbows. […]

Chasing Lightning Rainbows and Unicorns Video

As always all eyes are on the sky chasing lightning bolts, rainbows and unicorns. We found a rainbow to chase. 4:30 version. A day in the life of a storm catcher, photographer Bo Insogna, […]