Striking Photography Fine Art Gallery

Art Prints

Colorado Agriculture Farming Panorama View

It’s that time of year in Boulder County Colorado, the harvesting of hay. This is the eastern farming plains of the county with a large panorama view up to the foothills and continental divide of the Rocky Mountains and towards the twin peaks, Longs and Meeker. […]

Roosevelt National Forest Stream

A beautiful cascading waterfall on a rocky mountain stream in Colorado’;s Roosevelt National Forest flowing down from the continental divide. […]

Boulder Creek

A six second daytime ND filter slow shutter exposure gazing g up a flowing Boulder Creek at the End of June. Boulder Creek is located in Boulder Canyon above the city of Boulder Colorado. […]

Full Moon Lightning Storm In Black And White

Black and white view of a full moon above an isolated thunderstorm cell all lit up with cloud to cloud and cloud to ground lightning striking. View from …Jackson Lake in Morgan County Colorado looking East… […]