As always all eyes are on the sky chasing lightning bolts, rainbows and unicorns. We found a rainbow to chase. 4:30 version. A day in the life of a storm catcher, photographer Bo Insogna, […]
Giant lightning bolt striking next to a wall of rain south of Boulder Colorado towards Golden, heading east to Denver. This is a view Central East Boulder County looking to the southwest towards the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Very active lightning strikes, we were out of the wind and rain north of the storm a great viewing point. […] Lightning Strikes a four image black and white vertical panorama progression. Lightning striking near a communications tower in south Boulder County Colorado. […] Many lightning bolts striking on the horizon with a communication tower in South Boulder County, Colorado. This is 13 images stacked equal to about a five and half minute exposure . This is a black and white version. […] |