Striking Photography Fine Art Gallery

Art Prints

Heaven Can Wait

A very long exposure of cars blazing by on highway 36 at Trail Ridge Road in Colorado Rocky Mountain National Park as it travels above tree line into the clouds and heavens above. […]

Wooden Forest Path

A beautiful wood hiking nature path up in the high elevation of the Colorado Rocky Mountains in Roosevelt National Forest, Boulder County, Colorado. […]

Right Out Of The Power Lines

This was a short lived storm that passed by quickly. I normally do not shoot with power lines but I wanted to try and make this shot a little more interesting by getting the passing cars and power lines in the shot. […]

Colorado Agriculture Farming Panorama View

It’s that time of year in Boulder County Colorado, the harvesting of hay. This is the eastern farming plains of the county with a large panorama view up to the foothills and continental divide of the Rocky Mountains and towards the twin peaks, Longs and Meeker. […]