Striking Photography Fine Art Gallery

Art Prints

Fracking Lightning Storm

While driving around to catch this lightning thunderstorm I was looking for a good composition. These oil and gas fracking hoods all lit up really caught my attention with lightning strikes in the distance. […]

Airliner Lightning Strikes

This is a 30 second exposure, check out the jet airliner going across the image with the lightning striking right below as it is passing by. What A view they must have had of this lighting thunderstorm. This is an isolated thunderstorm cell with blue sky and stars above. […]

Anheuser-Busch Brewery Lightning Thunderstorm Catch Time Lapse Video

Anheuser-Busch Brewery Lightning Thunderstorm chase and catch, Fort Collins, Colorado. Lightning thunderstorm short time lapse loop. […]

Lightning Striking Longs Peak Foothills 4C Art Print

Lightning bolts, cloud to ground striking the front range foothills of the Colorado Rocky Mountains in north Boulder County. A view of the Twin Peaks, Mount Meeker 13,911 ft. and Longs Peak 14,256 the distance. […]