Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country’s cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause.- Abraham Lincoln […]
Afternoon thunderstorms coming in over the Rocky Mountains 8-27-2014 4:30. My Goofy Time Lapse. Day in the life of a storm catcher, photographer Bo Insogna, http://www.TheLightningMan.com […] Short Time Lapse of clouds and weather coming over the Colorado Rocky Mountains Continental Divide up at Brainard Lake, Boulder County, Colorado. R ight before sunset, not much color because of the weather. […] Sunset from another planet, a colorful alien sky with the satellite dish antennas on Table Mountain in Boulder County, Colorado. This is 400 images taken of the sunset a couple seconds apart and then staked on top of each other. I have always wanted to try this. Hope you like. […] |