Striking Photography Fine Art Gallery

Art Prints

Nature shows Her Colors

Mother nature shows her colors a beautiful scenic landscape view of the snowcapped Colorado Rocky Mountains in full autumn golden colorful fall foliage. Rocky Mountains Independence Pass autumn scenic landscape early October view. Independence Pass is a high mountain pass in the Rocky Mountains of central Colorado. It is at elevation 12,095 ft (3,687…


The Milky Way Rising

The Milky Way rising in the southwest sky above Colorado fall foliage of aspen trees in the middle of the Rocky Mountains Sangre de Cristo Wilderness and Sawatch range. Portrait view. The Milky Way is a galaxy—a huge group of stars, gas, dust, and other matter held together in space by their mutual gravitational […]

Denver Colorado fine art nature landscape photography video short

A city of Denver Colorado fine art nature landscape photography video short. Music by .RW Smith. Photography by “Bo” Insogna Here are some fun Denver Colorado Facts. The first permanent structure in Denver was not a hospital, bank or house—it was a saloon. Denver brews more beer than any other city in the […]

View looking southwest toward Boulder and of the Lohr-McIntosh Farm

Scenic view looking southwest toward Boulder and of the Lohr-McIntosh Farm in Longmont Colorado with lightning striking overhead and hitting the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Lightning often strikes more than three miles from the center of the thunderstorm, far outside the rain or thunderstorm cloud. “Bolts from the blue” can strike 10-15 miles […]