This is what is called a “timed stack”, 310 images stacked together to get this colorful effect. Fabulous commercial artwork too. This will brighten up any healthcare office or waiting room. […]
Railroad tracks scenic long view into the colorful sunset sky. Colorado Fine art nature landscape photography poster prints, decorative canvas prints, acrylic prints, metal prints, corporate artwork, greeting cards and stock images www.fine-art-photography-gallery.com […] A long exposure layered image of Stars buzzing by two Satellite Communication Antennas to the sky. This was taken last night during the Perseid Meteor Shower in Boulder County Colorado. There is one falling in this but it is too hard to see. www.Fine-Art-Photography-Gallery.com […] […] Pinnacle Peak, Arizona, surrounded by lightning bolts. Lightning striking on both sides and above during a monsoon thunderstorm. Lightning strikes twice. What an amazing sight it was. This was always of of my most favorite place to chase lightning thunder monsoon storms. www.TheLightningman.com […] […] |